Top "Extern" questions

extern is an access-specifier in C and C++ which defines a global variable that is visible to all object modules.

What is the best strategy for sharing variables between source files in c/c++?

I frequently have to write c/c++ programs with 10+ source files where a handful of variables need to be shared …

c++ c global-variables extern
extern declaration and function definition both in the same file

I was just browsing through gcc source files. In gcc.c, I found something like extern int main (int, char **); …

c declaration extern function-declaration
Equivalent of public static final variables

I understand that placing the word extern before a variable declaration in a header file declares the existence of a …

objective-c syntax extern variable-declaration
What's the difference between static inline, extern inline and a normal inline function?

What's the difference between a static inline, extern inline and a normal inline function? I've seen some vague explanations about …

c static extern inline-functions
storage class specified for 'FileCase' error

I tried to compile some code however am getting the error storage class specified for 'FileCase' What does this error …

c++ global-variables extern storage-class-specifier
Two variables with same name and type, in two different .c files, compile with gcc

Here's the deal. I've had two identical global variables in two different .c files, they weren't declared as extern. So …

c gcc static extern
declare extern variable within a C function?

I define a variable in a C file: int x, and I know I should use extern int x to …

c declaration extern variable-declaration
extern const char* const SOME_CONSTANT giving me linker errors

I want to provide a string constant in an API like so: extern const char* const SOME_CONSTANT; But if …

c++ linker constants extern
Why does C++11 not support declaring extern "C" on a static member function?

Provided that I have a C library containing a function declared as void g(void (*callback)()); The following code is …

c++ c static c++11 extern