Top "Ext4" questions

Ext 4 is a linux filesystem.

How many bytes per inodes?

I need to create a very high number of files which are not very large (like 4kb,8kb). It's not …

filesystems inode ext4
How to store one billion files on ext4?

I only created about 8 million files, then there was no free inode in /dev/sdb1. [spider@localhost images]$ df -i …

linux inode ext4
What file system does Android use?

Which file system does Android use? I have read both ext4 and YAFFS2.

android ext4
what is the max files per directory in EXT4?

What is the limit of EXT4, what i found is only EXT3, and other links only suppositions and not a …

filesystems ext4
Ext JS 4 radio group check event

I am creating a radioGroup in extJS 4 using xtype inside a FormPanel. I am trying to enable/disable a textfield …

extjs radio-button radio-group ext4
How to shrink an ext4 partition without formatting it?

Recently i installed Ubuntu 13.04 and allocated 20 GB for it. The system got installed space less than 10 GB. Now, can i …

linux filesystems ext4
Why does Python give "OSError: [Errno 36] File name too long" for filename shorter than filesystem's limit?

The following code yields an unexpected exception: open("52bbe674cdc81d4140099b84fa69eea4249bcceee75bcbe4838d911ab076547cfdad3c1…

python linux filesystems ext4
Storing & accessing up to 10 million files in Linux

I'm writing an app that needs to store lots of files up to approx 10 million. They are presently named with …

linux performance ext4 xfs
Why can't I access this folder?

A while back I bought a 1TB USB external drive. I formatted it ext4 in Ubuntu and copied a bunch …

linux directory ext4 home-directory
Setting/changing the ctime or "Change time" attribute on a file

I wish to change the timestamp metadata on files in Java using the java.nio.Files class. I would like …

java linux ext4 filemtime java.nio.file