Exiting, quitting, or halting refers to the termination of a process or program.
I'am looking for the following possibility: $stateProvider.state('user', angularAMD.route({ url: '/user/:id', templateUrl: 'views/user.html', controllerUrl: …
angularjs angular-ui-router state exit enterconsider this function : func doAllWork() error { var wg sync.WaitGroup for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { wg.add(1) go func() { defer …
go error-handling synchronization exit goroutineI'd like to run a script every time I close a Bash session. I use XFCE and Terminal 0.4.5 (Xfce Terminal …
bash exit xfceI know I can die but that prints out the script name and line number. I like to do things …
perl exit dieI'm running telnet command on a host for a given port (which is open), it returns 0 (success). For trying telnet …
linux telnet exit exit-code connection-closeI am using the FormClosing event on a C# Windows Form to ask the user to confirm before exiting. I …
c# exit formclosing