Run script before Bash exits

Facundo Casco picture Facundo Casco · Feb 17, 2011 · Viewed 8.3k times · Source

I'd like to run a script every time I close a Bash session.

I use XFCE and Terminal 0.4.5 (Xfce Terminal Emulator), I would like to run a script every time I close a tab in Terminal including the last one (when I close Terminal).

Something like .bashrc but running at the end of every session.

.bash_logout doesn't work


DVK picture DVK · Feb 17, 2011

You use trap (see man bash):

trap /u1/myuser/ EXIT

The command can be added to your .profile/.login

This works whether you exit the shell normally (e.g. via exit command) or simply kill the terminal window/tab, since the shell gets the EXIT signal either way - I just tested by exiting my putty window.