Top "Excel-interop" questions

Excel Interop is the layer using the COM Interop that allows .NET (VB or C#) to communicate with standard COM objects and libraries.

Display page numbers in a excel sheet generated using C#.NET

Does anyone have an idea on how to include or input the page numbers in the excel sheet generated using …

.net excel excel-interop
Trying to exit C# Excel Workbook without a dialog box

I am using Microsoft Office Interop to edit some excel files and when I close them I use outputExcelWorkBook.Close(…

c# excel-interop excel-automation
Exporting Excel Charts as Images

I've written the following simple C# console application to export all the charts from an Excel Workbook. It works just …

c# excel export excel-interop
Excel Interop right to left document

I created a new Excel file with C#. When I open the document all the worksheets are align right to …

c# excel-interop worksheet direction
How to hide Excel Columns and Rows using Interop C#

I have made a simple inventory interface that will take data from access and show in datagrid view on my …

c# excel office-interop excel-interop worksheet
Excel to pdf using interop

I am converting excel file to pdf using interop. and i have a working code. but before saving it to …

c# excel pdf excel-interop
LinqToExcel: Distinct values in excel column

This might be a very simple thing for you gurus, but I'm not familiar with C#4 and INTEROP. Therefore, I'm …

linq c#-4.0 interop excel-interop linq-to-excel
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel failure on initialization (Office 2016)

This is the code which i was using before the Office 2016 installation. var excelApp = new Excel.Application(); excelApp.Visible = true; …

c# excel excel-interop office-2016
Adding buttons to spreadsheets in .NET (VSTO)

Using VSTO or some related technology, is it possible to programmatically embed a button in a cell of an Excel …

c# .net vsto excel-interop