Top "Excel-interop" questions

Excel Interop is the layer using the COM Interop that allows .NET (VB or C#) to communicate with standard COM objects and libraries.

Microsoft Excel Application entry is missing in DCOM Config

The entry for "Microsoft Excel Application" is not there in DCOM Config (tried in both 32-bit and 64-bit). How can …

c# office-interop com-interop excel-interop dcom
Copy format from one row to another using c#

This question is quite similar to the one asked here. But the answer given suggests copying the format along with …

c# excel ssis formatting excel-interop
Cannot implicitly convert type 'object' to 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)

Here I'm opening excel and writing to excel sheet. I'm changing my windows application to asp website and seen this …

c# .net excel interop excel-interop
C# and Excel Interop issue, Saving the excel file not smooth

I could Open and Write to the excel file, but when I try to save the file by passing a …

c# interop excel-interop
Adding hyperlinks in Excel[2007] in C# - Within Excel it self

Can anybody tell me how we can add a hyperlink in Excel (2007 or later) from a cell in one sheet …

c# excel office-interop excel-interop
Closing an Excel Workbook

I have a bit of code that opens an xls workbook; Excel.Workbooks workBooks; workBooks = excelApp.Workbooks; workbook = workBooks.Open(…

c# excel-interop
Closing Excel application with Excel Interop without save message

I am working with Excel Interop COM object. I am writing a method in which I am opening and closing …

c# excel com excel-interop
How do I insert/retrieve Excel files to varbinary(max) column in SQL Server 2008?

I'm trying to save Excel files into the database, I do not want to use filestream as it is required …

c# .net sql-server-2008 excel-interop varbinarymax
Why do I get "not defined" on all the Excel objects even after importing Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel (VB.NET)?

I've got this code: Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Public Class FormExcelTest_VB Private Sub ButtonCreateExcelFile_Click( sender As … excel-interop excel.application
extract image from word file

I have been trying the following C# code to extract image from the doc file but it is not working: …

c# excel-interop