EXC_BAD_ACCESS is a fatal error related to memory management on macOS and iOS.
I'm stuck with a stupid bad access since so many hours. I'm totally unable to find it. I hope some …
iphone objective-c ios cocoa-touch exc-bad-accessI ran in to a EXC_BAD_ACCESS when deallocating an object that has few performSelector:withObject:afterDelay where the …
iphone objective-c exc-bad-accessMy app has been running fine in debugging mode through Xcode, but whenever it's downloaded through TestFlight, it crashes with …
ios swift exc-bad-accessI'm getting a strange crash in my UICollectionView. The crashing UICollectionView is embedded in an UICollectionView cell of another UICollectionView. …
ios objective-c uikit uicollectionview exc-bad-accessI have an iOS(7.1) app which crashes due to EXC_BAD_ACCESS. If I am not wrong, this happens due …
ios xcode exc-bad-access instruments nszombieI'm trying to figure out why im getting this crash in my app. It works perfectly fine in Xcode 4.4 running …
uialertview exc-bad-access ios6 xcode4.5I know how to fix the problem that I am about to outline, however, I am a bit baffled as …
objective-c ios ipad ios-simulator exc-bad-accessGenerally speaking, how do we avoid objc_msgSend() crashes in our Mac Apps? Also, how do we avoid the EXC_…
objective-c cocoa macos exc-bad-accessI am running a code with webRTC. I am not posting code because I really don't know the point where …
exc-bad-access swift4.1 xcode9.4Help, I've been hacking at this for weeks now! I have this app I am developing in the Simulator, and …
iphone debugging exc-bad-access