Top "Evaluation-strategy" questions

Evaluation strategies determine how and when parts of an expression are evaluated.

How to calculate the mean IU score in image segmentation?

How to compute the mean IU (mean Intersection over Union) score as in this paper? Long, Jonathan, Evan Shelhamer, and …

computer-vision image-segmentation evaluation-strategy
Can Scala call by reference?

I know that Scala supports call-by-name from ALGOL, and I think I understand what that means, but can Scala do …

scala calling-convention evaluation-strategy
What is call-by-need?

I want to know what is call-by-need. Though I searched in wikipedia and found it here:…

programming-languages evaluation call-by-value evaluation-strategy call-by-need
Are call-by-value and pass-by-value synonymous?

I always thought call-by-value and pass-by-value were synonymous. However, I recently heard someone refer to them as if they were …

c# calling-convention evaluation-strategy
Does call-by-sharing and call-by-reference differ only while multithreading?

If a function is called using Call-by-Reference, then any changes made to the variable inside the function are affected immediately …

java evaluation-strategy