Top "Etl" questions

ETL is an acronym for Extract, Transform, and Load.

Can we consider AWS Glue as a replacement for EMR?

Just a quick question to clarify from Masters, since AWS Glue as an ETL tool, can provide companies with benefits …

amazon-web-services etl amazon-emr aws-glue
How to create multiple output files in Talend based on a column from an SQL Input

I have a need of creating multiple output files based on a value (column) from an sql input in Talend …

etl talend
pentaho kettle : get row count from stream

I would like to get the total record count from the get rows from result output and then pass it …

pentaho etl kettle data-integration
Not able to run spoon.bat or any other batch file in Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle)

Tried pdi-ce-4.1.0-stable and pdi-ce-4.2.0-stable My Machine - Windows 7 64 bit When I run Spoon.bat cmd line window appears …

java pentaho etl kettle
What is the definition of realtime, near realtime and batch? Give examples of each?

I'm trying to get a good definition of realtime, near realtime and batch? I am not talking about sync and …

web-services real-time etl batch-processing
ErrorColumn value does not exist as Lineage ID

During the insert into a destination table, any error that occurs is redirected to Errors table where we can see …

ssis etl ssis-2012
Oracle OLE DB Provider not Listed in SSIS

I'm having an issue with SSIS and VS2015 CM. I have a package that needs to connect with Oracle to …

sql-server oracle ssis etl odac
How do I split flat file data and load into parent-child tables in database?

I have denormalized data (coming from a file) that needs to be imported into parent-child tables. The source data is …

sql-server sql-server-2008 import ssis etl
Extract TIME from DATETIME - informix

I have lost few hours looking for one row solution and didn't manage to find it. I have some value (2013/01/03 07:13:26.000) …

sql timestamp informix etl
SSIS Flat File error "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page."

I am working on a SSIS project. I have a Flat File Source (csv) and OLE DB as destination. I …

sql-server ssis etl bids