Top "Etl" questions

ETL is an acronym for Extract, Transform, and Load.

Adding logs to Airflow Logs

How can I add my own logs onto the Apache Airflow logs that are automatically generated? any print statements wont …

apache python-3.x logging etl airflow
Which is better, ETL or ELT?

Having spent some time working on data warehousing, I have created both ETL (extract transform load) and ELT (extract load …

data-warehouse etl

SSIS job has failed and posting the below error [Product Sales [749]] Error: An exception has occurred during data insertion, the …

sql-server ssis etl ado sql-agent-job
Run SSIS Package Without SQL Server Integration Services

Can we run SSIS Package without integration services? If Yes then what are the steps? If No then what is …

sql-server ssis etl sql-server-2016 ssis-2016
Using Pentaho Kettle, how do I load multiple tables from a single table while keeping referential integrity?

Need to load data from a single file with a 100,000+ records into multiple tables on MySQL maintaining the relationships defined …

mysql etl pentaho kettle
How to use NiFi ExecuteScript processor with Python?

I have a very basic setup of the ExecuteScript processor in Apache NiFi with a simple Python script (saved as …

python etl apache-nifi
does pyodbc have any design advantages over pypyodbc?

I know pyodbc is an older project and probably more featureful and robust, but is there anything about its design (…

python odbc etl pyodbc pypyodbc
How do I integrate TFS Source Control with Business Intelligence Studio?

I am running Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate -- which integrates with TFS source control. However, when I run SQL Server 2008 Business …

visual-studio ssis etl business-intelligence
How can we count number of rows in Talend jobs

I have a scenario in which I only process my job only when i have numbers of rows greater then …

if-statement etl talend
what is environment variable configuration in ssis and what registry entry configuration in ssis

I am learning SSIS. Now I'm stuck with configurations. I have done xml, parent package and SQL configuration but I …

sql ssis etl ssis-2012 msbi