Top "Etcd" questions

etcd is a highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery, inspired by Apache ZooKeeper and doozer.

Using etcd as primary store/database?

Can etcd be used as reliable database replacement? Since it is distributed and stores key/value pairs in a persistent …

database kubernetes etcd
How to configure dynamic properties while using spring boot?

I'm planning to use Spring Boot for my assignment. Its a typical server application with connection to database. I know …

java spring spring-boot apache-zookeeper etcd
How to access kubernetes keys in etcd

Question How to get the Kubernetes related keys from etcd? Tried to list keys in etcd but could not see …

kubernetes etcd
Pythonic way to detach a process?

I'm running an etcd process, which stays active until you kill it. (It doesn't provide a daemon mode option.) I …

python subprocess detach etcd
How fix this error "watch chan error: etcdserver: mvcc: required revision has been compacted"?

I have a kubernetes cluster with two nodes, and two nodes for etcd,also I am using authentication for my …

kubernetes etcd kubernetes-health-check
minikube : not able to connect a locally deployed nginx service

I have installed minikube on my ubuntu 16.04 machine and have started a cluster, with a message "Kubernetes is available at …

docker kubernetes etcd flannel
Flannel and docker don't start

I'm trying to set up a kubernetes cluster on 2 nodes , centos 7.1 using this guide. However when I attempt to start …

docker kubernetes etcd flannel
Systemd string escaping

If I run this command /bin/bash -c 'while true;do /usr/bin/etcdctl set my-container "{\"host\": \"1\", \"port\": $(/usr/bin/…

systemd etcd
Running etcd in Docker container

I want to run etcd in a Docker container with this command: docker run -p 2379:2379 -p 4001:4001 --name etcd -v /usr/…

docker etcd
etcd cluster id mistmatch

Hey I have a cluster id mismatch for some reason, i had it on 1 node then disapperead after clearing data …

cluster-computing etcd