I'm new at NodeMCU. My NodeMCU version is LOLin 0.1
First code I have uploaded is Spacehuhn's Deauther. I set up my AP for deauther settings and everything worked fine.
Few days later I wrote a new code (related with WIFI) and it didn't work. Then, I looked at WIFI and it say my old AP (which should be overwritten)
Is there any way to Factory reset the NodeMCU?
I tried flashing 1MB of nothing into 0x000000 0x100000 0x200000 and 0x300000. It looked like it worked but when I checked back to Arduino IDE and upload my new code again, that AP come back, but in different name (change into ESP_1B24B6)
Maybe problem is at Arduino IDE or NodeMCU
Since you did not give the versions of the software this works under the following conditions:
Arduino IDE 1.85
ESP8266 package 2.42 (min 2.41)
check in
ArduinoIDE -> Tools -> board manager
Then in the boardmanager choose
NodeMCU 1.0 under the heading ESP Modules (!)
NOT under the heading deauther !!
Before flashing choose your values for the port and the board under
ArduinoIDE -> Tools ->
To get rid of the old wifi settings you have two options in
ArduinoIDE -> Tools -> EraseFlash -> Sketch and WifiSettings **or** AllFlash Contents
This works for sure if the IDE responds 100% flash and no warnings/errors under the heading
esptool v0.4.13 - (c) 2014 ....
setting board to nodemcu
setting baudrate from xxx to xxx
setting port from COMxx to COMxx
in the console (xxx - your choosen values)
For older IDE or ESP package version this is probably not possible or some menu items may not available.