Top "Eslint" questions

The pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and related frameworks.

allow semi colons in javascript eslint

I have following .eslintrc { "extends": "standard" } I have following code in my javascript file import React from 'react'; Above line …

javascript build eslint
ESLint - Component should be written as a pure function (react prefer/stateless function)

ESLint is giving me this error on a react project. ESLint - Component should be written as a pure function (…

javascript reactjs eslint
prettier settings for vscode

I recently switched to a new computer, and am having difficulty with a prettier setting. (I think it's prettier, could …

visual-studio-code eslint vscode-settings prettier
How can I write a ESLint rule for "linebreak-style", changing depending on Windows or Unix?

As we all know, the linebreaks (new line) used in Windows are usually carriage returns (CR) followed by a line …

javascript windows unix eslint line-endings
How to config ESLint for React on Atom Editor

In Atom Editor I installed the following plugins linter linter-eslint It seems they don't recognize the JSX syntaxis. I have …

reactjs atom-editor react-jsx eslint
Parsing error: Cannot read file '.../tsconfig.json'.eslint

The error Parsing error: Cannot read file '.../tsconfig.json'.eslint shows in all .ts files in the src folder …

node.js typescript eslint typescript-eslint
potentially fixable with the `--fix` option

I am creating a app with nuxt.js but everytime I launch the app, gives me the error of eslint …

vue.js eslint nuxt.js
How to disable eslint rule max line length for paragraph in <template> of vue.js?

I am using airbnb eslint and currently I am getting error: error: Line 6 exceeds the maximum line length of 100 (max-len) …

javascript vue.js vuejs2 eslint airbnb
How to remove ESlint error no-unresolved from importing 'react'

no-unresolved After installing eslint-import-resolver-webpack My .eslintrc config { "extends": "airbnb", "…

javascript reactjs eslint eslint-config-airbnb
ESLint doesn't allow for in

I have an object currentValues= {hey:1212, git:1212, nmo:12121} and I use for in like this: for (const key in currentValues) { …

javascript eslint for-in-loop