As we all know, the linebreaks (new line) used in Windows are usually carriage returns (CR) followed by a line feed (LF) i.e. (CRLF) whereas, Linux and Unix use a simple line feed (LF)
Now, in my case, my build server uses supports Linux and Unix format so, below rule is working perfectly on build server:
linebreak-style: ["error", "unix"]
But I am doing development on Windows and I need to update rule on each git pull/git push as below,
linebreak-style: ["error", "windows"]
So, is there any way to write a generic linebreak-style rule to support both environments, Linux/Unix and Windows?
Note: I am using ECMAScript6[js], WebStorm[ide] for development
Any solutions/suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thanks!
I spent time trying to find how to shut off the linkbreak-style and lost it due to reverting some of my code I thought others my like to have this as well.
In the .eslintrc
file you can also set linebreak-style
to 0
which shuts off the linebreak feature:
module.exports = {
extends: 'google',
quotes: [2, 'single'],
globals: {
SwaggerEditor: false
env: {
browser: true
"linebreak-style": 0 // <----------