Top "Eregi" questions

PHP function for case insensitive regular expression matching

Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in

I'm trying to submit values to the database but i get an error message Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in …

php eregi
ereg/eregi replacement for PHP 5.3

I'm sorry to ask a question but I am useless when it comes to understanding regex code. In a php …

php eregi posix-ere
Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated

Possible Duplicate: How can I convert ereg expressions to preg in PHP? My contact form is othervise working but I …

php forms deprecated eregi ereg
Alternative to eregi() in php

So, i was using eregi in my mail script, but as of lately, i get the error that the function …

php eregi
PHP remove decimal from number string

i have an algorithym that gives back a number with a decimal point (I.E. ".57"). What I would like to …

php decimal eregi
Function eregi() is deprecated

Function eregi() is deprecated. How can i replace eregi(). I try with preg_match but then stop working. i us …

php regex preg-match eregi
Deprecated: Function eregi_replace()

I am getting the following error when running on PHP 5.3.8 Deprecated: Function eregi_replace() is deprecated in /home/XXXXXX/public_…

php function replace deprecated eregi