Top "Epplus" questions

EPPlus is a .NET library that reads and writes Excel files using the Office Open XML format (xlsx) without the need of interop.

Generating an excel file with EPPlus is failing

When I try to generate an Excel file using EPPlus, Excel give me the following error message: Excel cannot open …

c# excel epplus
Make column or cells readonly with EPPlus

Is there a way to make a column or group of cells locked or read only using EPPlus? I've tried …

c# .net excel epplus
Is it possible to copy row (with data, merging, style) in Excel using Epplus?

The problem is that I need to insert data into Excel from the collection several times using a single template …

c# .net excel epplus
How to remove a column from excel sheet in epplus

I'm using csharp to insert data into excel sheet into 7 columns. The interface of this program will allow users to …

c# epplus
How can I assign a color to a font in EPPlus?

I can set the background color of a cell or range of cells like so: rowRngprogramParamsRange.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.…

c# excel-2007 epplus epplus-4 system.drawing.color
EPPlus Large Dataset Issue with Out of Memory Exception

System Out of Memory Exception. I see the memory Stream is only flushed when saved. We have 1.5 - 2GB Datasets. …

c# excel excel-2007 epplus
How to set the style for an entire column in EPPlus?

Is it possible to set the style for an entire column in EPPlus? I would expect that I could just …

Epplus find column using column name

I have excel sheet created dynamically, i would like to format some columns as date however i don't know the …

c# datatable epplus
EPPlus - AutoFitColumns() method fails when a column has merged cells

I was wondering if anyone has come up with a workaround to this problem. I've noticed that the AutoFitColumns() method …

c# .net excel epplus
Using EPPlus I want to Format all cells as TEXT in a spreadsheet

I want to format all cells of the spreadsheet as text before loading it with the datatable. Here is the …

c# excel epplus