I have excel sheet created dynamically, i would like to format some columns as date however i don't know the index of these columns in advance i only know the header title.
1- I load the excel from DataTable
var templateXls = new ExcelPackage();
var sheet = templateXls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(parameters.ReportName);
sheet.Cells["A1"].LoadFromDataTable(myDataTable, true);
Now how can i format for example column with name "Birthdate" to be short-date field? the column can be in any index depends on user selection also there is a possibility that the column is not generated. (if the user doesn't include it)
You may also use extention Method like this:
public static class EpPlusExtensionMethods
public static int GetColumnByName(this ExcelWorksheet ws, string columnName)
if (ws == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ws));
return ws.Cells["1:1"].First(c => c.Value.ToString() == columnName).Start.Column;
and Use it :
int columnId = ws.GetColumnByName("Birthdate");