Top "Entity-framework-6" questions

For questions about the The ADO.

Using TransactionScope with Entity Framework 6

What I can't understand is if its possible to make changes to the context and get the changes in the …

c# entity-framework-6 dbcontext transactionscope savechanges
Why does Entity Framework 6.x not cache results?

Perhaps I am misunderstanding the caching that DbContext and DbSet does but I was under the impression that there was …

c# entity-framework caching entity-framework-6
'No Entity Framework provider found' for EF 6 and SQLite

I realize there are already several similar questions on this topic, but many of them are from older version of …

c# entity-framework sqlite entity-framework-6
MVC scaffolding does not support Entity Framework 6 or later

Just upgraded to Entity Framework 6 to take a look. I'm using MVC4. But i recieve this message when trying to …

c# entity-framework-6
System.Data.DataException error occurred in EntityFramework.dll

I have been following this tutorial Getting Started with Entity Framework 6 Code First using MVC 5. When I got to the …

visual-studio-2013 sql-server-express entity-framework-6 localdb
Can't find System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer

I'm constructing a DbContext from an SqlConnection. When I use it, I receive the following error: The Entity Framework provider …

c# entity-framework-6
Entity Framework 6 Code First function mapping

I want integrate Entity Framework 6 to our system, but have problem. I want to use Code First. I don’t …

c# entity-framework ef-code-first entity-framework-6 sql-function
How can I use use Entity Framework to do a MERGE when I don't know if the record exists?

In this SO answer about Entity Framework and MERGE, the example for how to code it is this: public void …

.net entity-framework entity-framework-6 upsert
Creating Unique Index with Entity Framework 6.1 fluent API

I have a column "Name" that must be unqiue. No foreign key or anything like that. EF 6.1 finally supports creating …

c# .net entity-framework entity-framework-6 fluent-interface
Dynamic MySQL database connection for Entity Framework 6

I wish to pass a dynamic connection string to the entity framework context. I have over 150 schemas which are identical (…

c# mysql entity-framework entity-framework-6