Top "Entity-framework-6" questions

For questions about the The ADO.

Optional One-to-many Relationship in Entity Framework

I'm having issues getting an optional one-to-many relationship to work. My model is: public class Person { public int Identifier { get; …

c# entity-framework entity-framework-6 ef-fluent-api
How do I reference Entity Framework 6 from a .NET core class library in RC2?

I have a .NET core class library from which I want to reference Entity Framework 6.1.3. Here is my project.json: { "…

entity-framework-6 entity-framework-core .net-core .net-core-rc2
The provider did not return a ProviderManifest instance

when I want to configure my Datasource (EntityDataSource1) and assign the connectionString that is generated automatically by entity data model …

c# entity-framework connection-string entity-framework-6 entitydatasource
EF6/Code First: Super slow during the 1st query, but only in Debug

I'm using EF6 rc1 with Code First strategy, without precompiled views and the problem is: If I compile and run …

entity-framework visual-studio-2013 entity-framework-6
Entity Framework not working with temporal table

I'm using database first entity framework 6. After changing some of the tables in my schema to be temporal tables, I …

c# sql-server entity-framework-6 sql-server-2016 temporal-database
EntityFramework refuses to forget old columns

I'm using EntityFramework 6.1.3, database-first. I am currently wishing I had chosen code-first... I have a database with some tables. I've …

c# entity-framework entity-framework-6 ef-database-first
The transaction operation cannot be performed because there are pending requests working on this transaction

I am getting error as : An error was reported while committing a database transaction but it could not be determined …

c# transactions repository entity-framework-6 unit-of-work
Table-per-type inheritance with EF 4.1 Fluent Code First

I have a pretty straight forward set of database tables, like: Vehicle Id RegNo Car Id (FK of Vehicle.Id) …

entity-framework entity-framework-4 entity-framework-4.1 entity-framework-6 table-per-type
The item with identity [x] already exists in the metadata collection. How do I fix that?

I'm using Entity Framework 6, with POCO and fluent-API and I've noticed an annoying bug. If I have an entity called …

c# .net entity-framework entity-framework-6 poco
Map tables using fluent api in MVC5 EF6?

I am trying to add profile/Membership information into my MVC5 application and adding configuration mappings. I get the following …

claims-based-identity entity-framework-6