Top "Entitydatasource" questions

EntityDataSource is an ASP.

Visual Studio 2013 and Entity Framework

I'm using VS 2013 and SQL Svr 2012 and trying use EF to populate a gridview. As this is a very simple …

entity-framework visual-studio-2013 entitydatasource
Convert DBContext to ObjectContext for use with GridView

I have a webforms project using EF codefirst to persist data. I'd like to use a GridView and EntityDataSource, in …

gridview entity-framework-4.1 ef-code-first entitydatasource
Filtering data using EntityDataSource and WHERE

Hi I have an EntityDataSource. I need programmatically SEND a variable (@SelectedValue) to be used in a WHERE Filter for …

c# frame entitydatasource
Entity DataSource not working with Entity Framework 6 Upgrade

I recently upgraded our Webforms application from EF 4.4 to EF6 and I got so many compile time build errors with …

entity-framework entity-framework-6 entitydatasource
ASP.NET EntityDataSource WHERE Clause

I am new to ASP.NET and could use some help writing a where clause for my EntityDataSource. I have …

c# linq-to-entities where-clause entitydatasource
Filter Data using EntityDataSource

I use EF 4, C# and MS Membership Provider. I have a GridView with DataSource an EntityDataSource web control. I would …

c# entity-framework entitydatasource
The provider did not return a ProviderManifest instance

when I want to configure my Datasource (EntityDataSource1) and assign the connectionString that is generated automatically by entity data model …

c# entity-framework connection-string entity-framework-6 entitydatasource
How to implement EntityDataSource Where IN entity sql clause

I want to pass a number of values into a parameter of the EntityDataSource, e.g.: Where="it.ORDER_ID …

entity-framework entitydatasource entity-sql
How to get selected value from GridView (C#)

I have GridView that allows select. It takes data from EntityDataSource. How do I get the entity Object that is …

c# gridview entitydatasource