Top "Entities" questions

Entity-relationship model (ER model for short) is an abstract and conceptual representation of data.

Core data: can NSFetchedResultsController fetch two different entities?

I am working on an iPhone app, and in a particular view I need to load two different entities: One …

cocoa core-data controller entities
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String get_Item(System.String)' method

I've looked at the various solutions here but none of them seem to work for me, probably because I'm too …

linq iqueryable entities
HTML entities and charset in IE

I am displaying html entity ✓ (a check mark: ✓) in an html document that uses iso-8859-1 for the character …

internet-explorer character-encoding entities html-entities iso-8859-1
C++: Designing a component-based entity system - advanced problems

In my game engine, that is written in C++, I've moved away from the classical hierarchical entity system and build …

c++ components entities
Why not use an IoC container to resolve dependencies for entities/business objects?

I understand the concept behind DI, but I'm just learning what different IoC containers can do. It seems that most …

dependency-injection inversion-of-control castle-windsor ioc-container entities
Should Entities in Domain Driven Design and Entity Framework be the same?

I have started using Entity Framework Code First for the first time and am impressed by the way in which …

entity-framework architecture domain-driven-design entities
Alternative to System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode/Decode?

Is there any 'slimmer' alternative to the System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode/.Decode functions in .net 3.5 (sp1)? A separate library is …

.net entities html-entities
Perl - read file with encoding method?

im not too good when it comes to encoding and I am wanting to figure out how to return data …

perl file encode entities
SqlResultSetMapping columns as and entities

I am really confused, how does column resultset mapping work? What am I mapping when I use columns instead of …

java jpa entities sqlresultsetmapping
Get array/list of entities from Doctrine

This is probably pretty simple, but I can't find a way to do this. Is there any way to get …

php database doctrine entities