Top "Ends-with" questions

A common function to determinate whether the end of this string instance matches the specified string.

endsWith in JavaScript

How can I check if a string ends with a particular character in JavaScript? Example: I have a string var …

javascript string ends-with
Find out if string ends with another string in C++

How can I find out if a string ends with another string in C++?

c++ string ends-with
Does R have function startswith or endswith like python?

> startsWith('abc', 'a') [1] TRUE > startsWith('abc', 'c') [1] FALSE > endsWith('abc', 'a') [1] FALSE > endsWith('abc', 'c') [1] TRUE

python r string startswith ends-with
Xpath "ends-with" does not work

I am trying to find an input element with dynamic id name always ending with "register". So far I tried …

xpath ends-with
How do I ignore case when using startsWith and endsWith in Java?

Here's my code: public static void rightSel(Scanner scanner,char t) { /*if (!stopping)*/System.out.print(": "); if (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String …

java string case-insensitive startswith ends-with
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'endswith'

I am currently working on a Python script that updates a web page. But running the main script generates this …

python attributeerror nonetype ends-with
XPath testing that string ends with substring?

Given that the HTML contains: <div tagname="779853cd-355b-4242-8399-dc15f95b3276_Destination" class="panel panel-default"></…

html xml xpath ends-with
The replace_ending function replaces the old string in a sentence with the new string, but only if the sentence ends with the old string

The replace_ending function replaces the old string in a sentence with the new string, but only if the sentence …

python-3.x string ends-with
How to determine if a string "ends with" another string in R?

I want to filter out the rows of a table which contain '*' in the string value of the …

r string ends-with
Python endswith() with multiple string

I have a string: myStr = "Chicago Blackhawks vs. New York Rangers" I also have a list: myList = ["Toronto Maple Leafs", "…

python python-3.x python-2.7 ends-with