Top "Em" questions


Website elements and font are too small in mobiles

I have just finished designing and coding my new project. But I need it to work well in mobiles. I …

html css mobile responsive-design em
How many pixels is 1em in IE8?

Isn't 1em supposed to be 16px across all browsers? I have this CSS * {font-size: 1em; } label { font-size: .85em; } which on …

css internet-explorer pixels em
How can I display an image using the "em" unit?

I've created a <div> with width:10em and height:5em. Now I would like to display an <…

html css image xhtml em
CSS style - percentage vs em vs px?

After reading several articles on the web I´m a bit confused about when to use percent, em or px …

css pixel em
1em is not set as 16px

i'm working on a website where the client wants some titles at 0.875em. I checked online, and the base em …

css font-size em
max-width using em

Can someone please explain how the em unit of measurement works with the max-width css property? On my screen resolution …

css em
script to convert css sheet from px to em

Anyone know of a script (php, python, perl, bash, whatever) that will convert a stylesheet from px to em? Like, …

css em
Where to set base font?

If I set a font-size on the body element, will that size also be 1em? In other words, if I …

css em