Anyone know of a script (php, python, perl, bash, whatever) that will convert a stylesheet from px to em?
Like, it would take input of the filename and base font-size (default 16) and convert all px instances to em?
convertpx2ems --file stylesheet.css --base-font-size 16
would convert this:
button {
padding:8px 19px 9px;
to something like this:
button {
font-size: .875em;
padding: .5em 1.188em .563em;
...maybe, is there a way to do this with sass?
Copy/Paste your css in JSFiddle to convert. code example:
var regFindPX = new RegExp('(\\d+)px','g');
var reg3decPoints = new RegExp('(\.\\d{3}).*', '');
var css = 'css code';
var result;
while ((result = regFindPX.exec(css)) !== null) {
var px = parseInt(result[1]);
var em = px / 16;
em = em.toString().replace(reg3decPoints, '$1');
css = css.replace(px + 'px', em + 'em');