Top "Em" questions


Responsive font size in CSS

I've created a site using the Zurb Foundation 3 grid. Each page has a large h1: When I resize the browser …

css responsive-design font-size zurb-foundation em
Why em instead of px?

I heard you should define sizes and distances in your stylesheet with em instead of in pixels. So the question …

css units-of-measurement em
What is the em font-size unit? How much is it in pixels?

I want to know what the em unit is, and how much 1em is when converted to pixels (px). I …

css font-size em
Why font size does not change?

I want to set font size with em, not px. Here is my code: <style type="text/css"> …

css font-size em
Why can't I decrease the line-height of this text? This is very odd: I have a few lines of text wrapped in an <em&…

css em
Why doesn't em font-size resize on responsive grid?

I've created a responsive grid and used em as the font-size to make the text resize, but I must not …

css responsive-design font-size em
jQuery/JavaScript: convert pixels to em in a easy way

I am looking for a easy way to add a line of code to a plugin of mine, to convert …

javascript jquery pixel em
Why Bootstrap 4 choose rem and em instead px?

I would like know why Boostrap choose rem and em instead px for the new version of Boostrap 4. We can …

html css twitter-bootstrap sass em
Is it possible to get the width of the window in em units using javascript?

I'm looking for a reliable way to get the width of the window in em units using javascript. I was …

javascript jquery media-queries em
Margin and padding using em

When 1em is applied to an element, it takes the default value of the browser (usually, 16px) or the font-size …

css margin em