Top "Elixir" questions

Elixir is an open-source, dynamic, compiled, general purpose functional programming language.

Docker error: standard_init_linux.go:185: exec user process caused "no such file or directory"

I'm trying to set my elixir-phoenix app with postgresql database to run with Docker. This is what my Dockerfile looks …

postgresql docker elixir docker-compose phoenix-framework
Modify foreign key in Ecto

I have this original migration that have already been run and sent upstream: create table(:videos) do add :url, :string …

elixir phoenix-framework ecto
Get output of a specific step in github actions

I have this file of GitHub action which runs tests, but now I am integrating slack notification in it. I …

github elixir github-actions
how can i set session in setup when i test phoenix action which need user_id in session?

I have a test which need to set user_id to session before testing, because this action need to know …

session testing elixir phoenix-framework
phoenix: render template of other folder

I have two template folder in my web/templates folder: > ls web/templates personal_info user What I want …

templates web-deployment elixir phoenix-framework
How to pass a function of arity 2 as an argument in Elixir for

Let's say I have something like:, fn(x) -> String.duplicate("a", someValue * x) end) But …

function enums functional-programming elixir arity
Is there a way to test private functions in modules in ExUnit of Elixir?

Functions defined by defp aren't exported so I can't execute them in places other than in the module.

How to handle associations and nested forms in Phoenix framework?

What is the way to handle associations and nested forms in Phoenix framework? How would one create a form with …

elixir phoenix-framework ecto
Elixir - Call method on module by String-name

I'm pretty new to Elixir and functional programming-languages in general. In Elixir, I want to call one specific function on …

dynamic module load elixir
How to get the "belongs_to" association with Ecto in Elixir?

I have a Post and Comment model. One post has many comments and one comment belongs to a post. When …

elixir phoenix-framework ecto