Top "Elixir" questions

Elixir is an open-source, dynamic, compiled, general purpose functional programming language.

How to broadcast a message from a Phoenix Controller to a Channel?

Is there a way to broadcast a message to a channel from outside that channel? Maybe something like Channel.broadcast …

elixir channel phoenix-framework
Elixir - call a module function from the shell

In Elixir, is there a way to call a module function directly from the shell, without necessarily needing to start …

shell elixir elixir-iex
How do i check if a variable exist, in eex?

I'm working on the crud part of a model, to which i've added image support to. Ideally i would like …

elixir phoenix-framework
Disable Elixir Ecto Debug output

Whatever in iex> or using mix run -e "My.code" when I run the mix project using ecto, the …

debugging elixir ecto in Elixir and Ecto

I want to get the current date-time stamp in Phoenix/Elixir without a third-party library. Or simply, I want something …

elixir phoenix-framework ecto
Regular Expressions in Elixir case

Can you use a Regular Expression inside a case in Elixir? So something along the lines of this: case some_…

regex elixir
Encoding a Ecto Model to JSON in elixir

I am going over the following tutorial in an attempt to get my head around elixir and phoenix: https://thoughtbot.…

elixir phoenix-framework ecto
Dialyzer emits Type specification is a subtype of the success typing for multiple functions with same name

I have the following two functions and I am receiving this dialyzer warning on them: "Type specification 'Elixir.MyModule':calculate(…

elixir dialyzer
How to use the "with" keyword in Elixir and what is it for?

In elixir 1.2 they've included the keyword "with", but it's not completely clear to me what it is for. How and …

Ecto/Elixir, How can I query by date?

I am working on statistics page of my app and trying to query data by date. To get the date …

datetime elixir ecto