Top "Elixir" questions

Elixir is an open-source, dynamic, compiled, general purpose functional programming language.

Can't run iex in Windows command prompt or git bash

I just installed elixir via chocolatey on my Windows 7 machine. At the root of the C directory, inside of an …

elixir chocolatey
Cannot expand struct - elixir/phoenix

I'm trying to display a form on the screen. But I keep getting this error when I try to start …

struct elixir phoenix-framework
How to pass an anonymous function to the pipe in Elixir

I'd like to write the code like this: def boundary do :crypto.rand_bytes(8) |> Base.encode16 |> &("--------FormDataBoundary" &…

has_many, through associations in Ecto

I'm still trying to grok how to deal with creating/updating has_many, through: associations in Ecto. I've re-read José…

elixir phoenix-framework ecto
Get current environment name

In Phoenix Framework, how can I get the current environment's name ? I've already tried reading env variables with System.get_…

elixir phoenix-framework
How To Add CSS/JS Dependencies To Phoenix Project?

I'm trying to add jquery to a Phoenix project. When I link to jquery direct in app.html.eex in …

jquery elixir phoenix-framework brunch
elixir - how to add conditional pipe into pipeline?

I have a small pipeline in elixir, it's about changing ecto model state: model |> cast(params, ~w(something), ~w()) |&…

elixir ecto
Elixir Ecto: How to set a belongs_to association in a changeset

I am a bit stuck in how to actually set an association with a changeset. I have this code in …

elixir ecto
Why is Elixir slowest among Ruby and Go in solving Project Euler #5?

Update: Elixir isn't slow, my algorithm was. My algorithms weren't even apples to apples comparison. See Roman's answers below for …

performance elixir numerical-computing
Formatting a time in Elixir

I'm new to Elixir, trying to port a Rails API to Phoenix as a learning project. I have a Postgres …

elixir phoenix-framework