Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) is a managed, server-side component architecture for modular construction of enterprise applications.
I am getting this error in some projects in my workspace. I have tried using Luna and Juno version of …
java eclipse ejb eclipse-juno eclipse-lunaI am using openEjb in embedded mode to test a stateless session bean, which has an injected EntityManager. However, when …
java unit-testing jakarta-ee ejb openejbA quote from the EJB specification: If the bean method encounters a system exception or error, it should simply propagate …
java jakarta-ee exception ejb ejb-3.0I'm new to EJB 3 and pretty confused with some doubts which Google didn't provide with a satisfactory answer. I'm trying …
java jakarta-ee ejb-3.0 ejbI have a Stateful Session Bean (SFSB) which acts as authentication module. In the SFSB I store the current user …
java ejb stateless-session-bean stateful-session-beanI'm in the process of building a simple webapp modelled on the MVC architecture. I have a little JSP page …
jsp jakarta-ee model-view-controller ejb apache-tomeeThat may seem obvious but I've seen contradictory statements: Is JPA part of EJB 3.0? I'm no specialist and it's quite …
jpa jakarta-ee ejb ejb-3.0I'm using EclipseLink on GlassFish 3.1.1 and I'm trying to understand this exception: javax.ejb.EJBException: Illegal non-business method access on …
servlets jpa ejb eclipselinkA question on EJB: Let's say I have a session bean which has an infinite loop. It is running under …
java transactions ejb stateless-session-bean