Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) is a managed, server-side component architecture for modular construction of enterprise applications.
I've configured the message destination type, name etc using @ActivationConfigProperty in EJB 3.0 but I wanted to configure the MDB using …
ejb ejb-3.0 jboss6.x message-driven-beanI am trying to deploy EAR file on WebShpere 8.5 and I keep getting this error: com.ibm.ejs.container.EJBConfigurationException: …
java ejb websphere-8I'm trying to create an enterprise web application in the following environment. NetBeans 7.2.1 Glassfish Server 3.1.2 (containing the Servlet 3.0 API) EJB 3.1 …
jakarta-ee glassfish ejb corbaThis is how they declare a resource-ref in ejb-jar.xml : <enterprise-beans> <session> <ejb-name>ResourceBean&…
ejb jndi websphere-6.1 ejb-jar.xmlI am consistently finding that my already-existing transaction is getting committed inside any method of an EJB marked @ejb.transaction …
jakarta-ee transactions ejb java-ee-6 ejb-3.1I am developing a J2EE application which is deployed on JBoss application server. The application is composed of an …
transactions jakarta-ee ejb jtaPlease let me know what is the difference between: Message Driven Beans (MDB) Java Message Service (JMS)
jakarta-ee ejb jms ejb-3.1I ma reading the java ee docs and I would like to ask a couple of question to be sure …
jakarta-ee transactions ejb