Top "Eigenvalue" questions

The eigenvalue is the factor by which the eigenvector is scaled when multiplied by the matrix.

What is the difference between 'eig' and 'eigs'?

I've searched a lot for this but I can't find any answer about how the two methods 'eig' and 'eigs' …

matlab eigenvector eigenvalue
Find eigenvector for a given eigenvalue R

I have a matrix 100x100 and I found it's biggest eigenvalue. Now I need to find eigenvector corresponding to this …

r eigenvector eigenvalue
Simultaneously diagonalize matrices with numpy

I have a m × n × n numpy.ndarray of m simultaneously diagonalizable square matrices and would like to use numpy …

python numpy eigenvalue diagonal
Java package for eigenvector/eigenvalues computation?

which java package do you recommend for computing eigenvectors/eigenvalues? I know about JMathTools and JAMA; do you have some …

java package eigenvalue eigenvector
Simple Lanczos algorithm code to obtain eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix

I would like to write a simple program (in C) using Lanczos algorithm. I came across a Matlab example which …

matlab linear-algebra eigenvector eigenvalue lanczos
How to obtain right eigenvectors of matrix in R?

Edition : the problem in my question was I've tried to find matrix S from equation 8 but this equation have error. …

r function eigenvector eigenvalue
The fastest way to calculate eigenvalues of large matrices

Until now I used numpy.linalg.eigvals to calculate the eigenvalues of quadratic matrices with at least 1000 rows/columns and, …

python performance sparse-matrix eigenvalue adjacency-matrix
Sort eigenvalue matrix with eigenvector matrix

I have N eigenvalues in column vector form. Thus there are N eigenvectors corresponding to these eigenvalues, forming an eigenvector …

sorting wolfram-mathematica eigenvector eigenvalue
Could we get different solutions for eigenVectors from a matrix?

My purpose is to find a eigenvectors of a matrix. In Matlab, there is a [V,D] = eig(M) to …

matlab linear-algebra eigenvector eigenvalue wolframalpha
Plot a Correlation Circle in Python

I've been doing some Geometrical Data Analysis (GDA) such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA). I'm looking to plot a Correlation …

python correlation pca eigenvalue eigenvector