Top "Ecmascript-harmony" questions

ECMAScript Harmony is the code name for proposals aiming to extend the current ECMA-262 specification.

ES6 global import

What is the best way to import some modules in all of the files of the project, so I don't …

javascript module ecmascript-6 ecmascript-harmony
Ecmascript 6 support on Node.js

I've been working with KoaJS for a while, and we can easily use the 'let' keyword and the generators when …

javascript node.js ecmascript-harmony
NodeJS harmony gives SyntaxError on import

I was testing node with ES6 with the flag child_process --harmony but it fails at first step when I …

javascript node.js ecmascript-harmony
Import existing library with JavaScript ES6 Modules

How can an existing library be loaded and run using JavaScript's ES6 Modules? For example, suppose I need to load …

javascript import module ecmascript-harmony ecmascript-6
ES6 Module export default syntax

I'm using the es6-module-transpiler, esprima and JSHint with esnext: true options. JSHint complains when I put: export default = { some: …

javascript jshint ecmascript-harmony esprima
Is it possible to reset an ECMAScript 6 generator to its initial state?

Given the provided (very simple) generator, is it possible to return the generator back to its original state to use …

javascript generator ecmascript-harmony ecmascript-6
Is it possible to use Harmony (ES6) with JSXTransformer.js?

I've had great luck using React's JSXTransformer.js to develop using JSX in the browser: <script src="http://fb.…

javascript reactjs ecmascript-harmony
JavaScript ES6: Test for arrow function, built-in function, regular function?

Is there an elegant way to tell Harmony's slim arrow functions apart from regular functions and built-in functions? The Harmony …

javascript function ecmascript-6 ecmascript-harmony arrow-functions
Getting ES6 features with node and nvm

I already had node 0.10.* and I installed nvm, then through nvm I installed 0.11.13 and 0.10 again. node --version gives back 0.11.13 I …

node.js ecmascript-harmony nvm
Arrow functions not working in node --harmony under Ubuntu

I'm trying to use arrow functions in node v0.10.33 under Ubuntu 14.04 (I'm running node with --harmony flag), but I'm getting …

node.js ecmascript-harmony arrow-functions