Top "Ecmascript-harmony" questions

ECMAScript Harmony is the code name for proposals aiming to extend the current ECMA-262 specification.

ES7 Getting result from an array of promises using await generator

Given an array of promises, what's the idiomatic way to get the results in ES7? Here's what I want to …

javascript ecmascript-6 ecmascript-harmony ecmascript-7
Immediate function using JavaScript ES6 arrow functions

Does anyone know how to write an immediate function using ES6 arrow syntax? Here's the ES3/5 way of doing it: (…

javascript function ecmascript-6 ecmascript-harmony arrow-functions
Map() is not defined in Google Chrome

I've been searching for an answer but I'm only getting results regarding the Google maps API. I'm trying to use …

javascript google-chrome map ecmascript-harmony
TypeError: redeclaration of let error in Firebug console if running ES6 code

I am learning ES6, so bear me please. Following is the code which is running fine, if I click the …

javascript ecmascript-6 ecmascript-harmony
What's the purpose of an asterisk (*) in ES6 generator functions

Can someone explain to me: why are generator functions in ES6 marked by asterisk symbol? For example, instead of: function *…

javascript ecmascript-6 ecmascript-harmony
Enable Harmony Proxies in nodejs

Is it possible to enable EcmaScript 6 Harmony Proxies in nodejs? If so, what are the pros and cons? And is …

node.js ecmascript-harmony
Is there a list of flags for Node.js?

I'm trying to find a list of all flags that Node.js accepts, specially those for ES6-Harmony features, but …

node.js ecmascript-harmony
When will ES6 be available in IE?

This is a legitimate question if you really know the answer or can provide some information. Firefox and Chrome are …

javascript ecmascript-harmony
Getting a promise's value via yield & co

I'm trying to figure out how to get the value of a promise via yield, possibly with "co": function *(){ var …

javascript node.js generator ecmascript-harmony co
Map using tuples or objects

I'm trying to use the new (ES6) Map objects in order to represent a map between properties and a value. …

javascript map equality ecmascript-harmony