Top "Eclipselink" questions

EclipseLink delivers a comprehensive open-source Java persistence solution.

When I use A JPA Query's getResultList(), are the results detached or managed?

When I have a JPA Query that I call .getResultList(), It gives me back a List of objects. Are the …

java jpa eclipselink
Unmarshalling nested objects from JSON with JAXB

I'm trying to unmarshall input JSON into JAXB objects with Eclipselink. However, when I try to do this, I find …

json jaxb eclipselink moxy
IN clause with a composite primary key in JPA criteria

I have a table named group_table in MySQL with only two columns user_group_id and group_id (both …

hibernate jpa eclipselink composite-primary-key jpa-2.1
JPA @Transient fields being cleared before @PreUpdate method is called

I have an User Entity class that I'm trying to do password hashing for. I thought that the easiest way …

java jpa eclipselink
Difference Hibernate 3.5 / JPA 2.0

So far, I always prefered to use Hibernate directly rather than JPA 1.0, because JPA was lacking some of the important …

hibernate jpa eclipselink java-ee-6 jpa-2.0
To initialize or not initialize JPA relationship mappings?

In one to many JPA associations is it considered a best practice to initialize relationships to empty collections? For example. @…

java hibernate jpa eclipselink openjpa
java.lang.NullPointerException at org.eclipse.persistence.platform.server.ServerPlatformUtils.createServerPlatform(

EclipseLink 2.6.1 (final) throws the following exception upon deploying a Java EE application on GlassFish Server 4.1. This had not been happening …

jakarta-ee glassfish eclipselink java-ee-7 glassfish-4.1
Restful WebService call with Jersey client version 2.2

CASE I am trying to fetch User data to Servlet filter using REST service. POM.xml <dependency> <…

java rest jpa eclipselink jersey-client
TopLink 11g versus EclipseLink

We're considering migrating to TopLink 11g JPA from Oracle Kodo JDO. But I see that EclipseLink exists and appears to …

eclipselink toplink
Are JPA (EclipseLink) custom types possible?

In particular I am interested in using PostgreSQLs json type. The core of the problem seems to be that there …

json postgresql jpa jdbc eclipselink