Top "Easy-install" questions

EasyInstall is a package manager that provides a standard format to distribute Python programs and libraries.

Installing Python's easy_install using from behind a proxy server

Is there a way to install Python's easy_install using when on a corporate network that uses …

python proxy easy-install
Installing psycopg2 (postgresql) in virtualenv on windows

I installed psycopg2 in virtualenv using easy_install psycopg2. I did not see any errors and looks like installation went …

python postgresql virtualenv psycopg2 easy-install
Why am I getting the error: command 'llvm-gcc-4.2' failed with exit status 1

I am setting up os X 10.7. I am using the default install of Python: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/…

python osx-lion llvm easy-install
pip won't install Python packages locally with --user

I'm trying to install packages locally with pip. It used to work with --user but now when I try it, …

python package pip easy-install pythonpath
How to cleanly remove pip that is installed by using easy_install?

If I used sudo easy_install pip on my OS X Lion 10.7.4, how do I cleanly remove it? After the …

pip easy-install
How do I install an .egg file without easy_install in Windows?

I have Python 2.6 and I want to install easy _ install module. The problem is that the only available installation package …

python easy-install egg
easy_install : ImportError: Entry point ('console_scripts', 'easy_install') not found

I used easy_install to install pip, pip to install django, virtualenv, and virtualenvwrapper. I have just returned to it …

python macos easy-install
python easy_install fails with SSL certificate error for all packages

Goal: I'm on RedHat 5 and trying to install the latest python and django for a web app. I successfully altinstalled …

python django ssl easy-install pypi
'easy_install' is not recognized as an in internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I have just downloaded and installed the latest version of Python on my Windows 7 machine. Python 2.7.3 Now I want to …

python windows-7 python-2.7 easy-install
easy_install fails on error "Couldn't find setup script" after binary upload?

After uploading a binary distribution of my Python C extension with python bdist upload, easy_install [my-package-name] fails …

python binary easy-install python-c-extension