Top "Easy-install" questions

EasyInstall is a package manager that provides a standard format to distribute Python programs and libraries.

Install particular version with easy_install

I'm trying to install lxml. I've had a look at the website, and version 2.2.8 looked reasonable to me but when …

python version easy-install
How to install virtualenv without using sudo?

I have easy_install and pip. I had many errors on my Linux Mint 12, I just re-installed it and I …

python django virtualenv pip easy-install
easy_install cx_Oracle (python package) on Windows

So I found Help installing cx_Oracle but am still stuck. I downloaded the latest instantclient from oracle, and set …

python windows easy-install cx-oracle
How can I install various Python libraries in Jython?

I know that I can install Jython with Java and that I can use Jython where I use Python. The …

java python jython pip easy-install
Determining version of easy_install/setuptools

I'm trying to install couchapp, which uses easy_install - and is quite explicit in stating a particular version of …

python setuptools easy-install
The problem with installing PIL using virtualenv or buildout

When I install PIL using easy_install or buildout it installs in such way, that I must do 'import Image', …

python python-imaging-library easy-install buildout pip
How do I uninstall a Python module (“egg”) that I installed with easy_install?

I’ve installed a couple of Python modules using easy_install. How do I uninstall them? I couldn’t see …

python easy-install egg
How to re-install lxml?

Python version and Device used Python 2,7.5 Mac 10.7.5 BeautifulSoup 4.2.1. I'm following the BeautifulSoup tutorial but when I try to parse a …

python web-scraping beautifulsoup lxml easy-install
pip ignores dependency_links in

I have dependency_links in my ... dependency_links = ['…

python pip setuptools distutils easy-install
virtualenv, mysql-python, pip: anyone know how?

I'm trying to install the mysql bindings in a virtualenv. I'd prefer to use pip or easy_install. pip gives …

python mysql virtualenv easy-install pip