Top "Each" questions

An iterator function or language struct which can be used to iterate over arrays or lists.

calling .each{} on IntRange returns the range not each integer

I think I've got some funny expectations... I want to iterate the numbers from 1 to 10. As a while loop it …

groovy int range each
ruby get next value on each loop

Can I get the next value in an each loop? (1..5).each do |i| @store = i + (next value of i) end …

ruby each
Get list of data-foo attributes for set of jQuery elements

I can use attr to "Get the value of an attribute for the first element in the set of matched …

jquery each
Invalid procedure call or argument IE issue when iterating through document.styleSheets using $.each()

I've written this code that iterates over all global style sheet rules and stores them in an array/object. I …

javascript internet-explorer-8 each jquery-1.3.2
Returning Multiple Values From Map

Is there a way to do: a ={ |e| #return multiple elements to be added to a } Where rather …

ruby arrays map each enumerator
Define timeouts between steps of jQuery.each() loop

As far as I know, $.each() is a synchronous function, so I think, somehow it has to be possible - …

jquery delay synchronous each delayed-execution
FB.XFBML.parse() on individual element does nothing

I have a big page with a "load more" button at the bottom; each click on "load more" loads more …

jquery each xfbml
DRYest way to check if in the first iteration of an .each loop in Ruby/Rails

In my .erb, I have a simple each loop: <%= @user.settings.each do |s| %> .. <% end %> What …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 loops each
How to dynamically check if elements hit top of window

I have multiple elements below each other. I want to check when these elements hit the top of the window. …

jquery each scrolltop
JQuery and Underscore "each" guarantee order for an array?

I read on Javascript: The Good Parts... Since JavaScript’s arrays are really objects, the for in statement can be …

javascript jquery each underscore.js