Top "Each" questions

An iterator function or language struct which can be used to iterate over arrays or lists.

Exit not only from child function but from whole parent function

Short What I want to do is following: At first, function validate() must check all inputs one by one: if …

javascript jquery function each
setTimeout inside $.each()

ok, so I've got this code: $(this).find('article.loading').each( function(i) { var el = this; setTimeout(function () { $(el).replaceWith($(…

jquery each settimeout
Check if all items have the same class

I built a FAQ page with the option to hide and show the content underneath each question. I have a "…

jquery each
Should I use jQuery.each()?

I'm doing very frequent iterations over arrays of objects and have been using jQuery.each(). However, I'm having speed and …

javascript jquery arrays iteration each
setTimeout and array each

I'm confused with using setTimeout and the each iterator. How can I rewrite the following so that the console outputs …

javascript underscore.js settimeout each
jQuery - $.each find if first run of $.each

I am not sure if I can do this or not: I need to know how to find out if …

jquery each
Why does Array#each return an array with the same elements?

I'm learning the details of how each works in ruby, and I tried out the following line of code: p [1,2,3,4,5].…

ruby arrays each self
Looping with delay jquery / js

I have traffic light - 3 colors: <div class="green" id="ready"></div> <div class="orange" …

javascript jquery each traffic light
Rails 3.1: Ruby idiom to prevent .each from throwing exception if nil?

Is there a way to use .each so it does not throw an error if the object is nil or …

ruby-on-rails ruby each
"Continue" in Lodash forEach

I was looking over the differences between the Underscore and Lodash libraries and I came upon one issue regarding _.each / _.…

javascript foreach underscore.js each lodash