Top "Jquery-1.3.2" questions

For issues relating to using jQuery, version 1.3.2

Select first sibling

I'm trying to select the inner value of the first sibling - using jQuery - in an environment where I …

jquery html dom siblings jquery-1.3.2
Is it possible to Stop jqGrid row(s) from being selected and/or highlighted?

I've looked at the documentation but I've been unable to find an answer. Is there a way to prevent a …

javascript jquery jqgrid jquery-1.3.2
Invalid procedure call or argument IE issue when iterating through document.styleSheets using $.each()

I've written this code that iterates over all global style sheet rules and stores them in an array/object. I …

javascript internet-explorer-8 each jquery-1.3.2
slideToggle and :visible

When using the sliderToggle method, the :visible expression never seems to return anything other than true. If I manually use …

jquery jquery-1.3.2