Top "Dynamic" questions

Dynamic is a widely used term that, in general, describes a decision made by the program at run-time rather than at compile time.

Difference between static and dynamic programming languages

What is the different between static and dynamic programming languages? I know that it is all about type systems but …

dynamic static programming-languages type-systems
ImageView be a square with dynamic width?

I have a GridView with ImageViews inside. I have 3 of them for each row. I can set correctly the width …

android dynamic size imageview
How do I dynamically generate columns in a WPF DataGrid?

I am attempting to display the results of a query in a WPF datagrid. The ItemsSource type I am binding …

wpf dynamic datagrid expandoobject
How does having a dynamic variable affect performance?

I have a question about the performance of dynamic in C#. I've read dynamic makes the compiler run again, but …

c# performance dynamic
Checking to see if ViewBag has a property or not, to conditionally inject JavaScript

Consider this simple controller: Porduct product = new Product(){ // Creating a product object; }; try { productManager.SaveProduct(product); return RedirectToAction("List"); } catch (… dynamic razor null viewbag
Dynamic in the immediate window causes 'Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Binder' is not defined or imported error

If I use dynamic in the immediate window of Visual Studio I get an error Predefined type 'Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.…

c# .net visual-studio dynamic immediate-window
Referencing Dynamic Named Range in Excel Formula

I have a table in Excel with column headings that correspond to part of a dynamic named range elsewhere in …

excel dynamic excel-formula named-ranges
AngularJS dynamic table with unknown number of columns

I'm new to Angular and I need some start point for my project. How can I create new table from …

angularjs dynamic tabular
How can I dynamically create a selector at runtime with Objective-C?

I know how to create a SEL at compile time using @selector(MyMethodName:) but what I want to do is …

objective-c cocoa dynamic
Dynamic Return Type in Java method

I've seen a question similar to this multiple times here, but there is one big difference. In the other questions, …

java dynamic return-type