Top "Dynamic" questions

Dynamic is a widely used term that, in general, describes a decision made by the program at run-time rather than at compile time.

dynamic allocation/deallocation of 2D & 3D arrays

I know about algorithms to allocate/deallocate a 2D array dynamically, however I'm not too sure about the same for 3…

c memory dynamic memory-management dynamic-memory-allocation
The minimum number of coins the sum of which is S

Given a list of N coins, their values (V1, V2, ... , VN), and the total sum S. Find the minimum number …

algorithm dynamic task dynamic-programming
Use of eval in Python?

There is an eval() function in Python I stumbled upon while playing around. I cannot think of a case when …

python dynamic eval
What does @dynamic do in Objective-C?

Objective-C has a feature called @dynamic. Google only lists results about dynamic typing. I rarely see this in code and …

objective-c dynamic
Is it possible to create a function dynamically, during runtime in C++?

C++ is a static, compiled language, templates are resolved during compile time and so on... But is it possible to …

c++ function dynamic runtime
Found an unexpected Mach-O header code: 0x72613c21 in Xcode 7

I have a Swift project that uses a ObjC dynamic framework, the framework had to be linked with and embedded …

validation dynamic frameworks store
Lots of first chance Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinderExceptions thrown when dealing with dynamics

I've got a standard 'dynamic dictionary' type class in C# - class Bucket : DynamicObject { readonly Dictionary<string, object> …

c# exception dynamic
How to dynamically change base class of instances at runtime?

This article has a snippet showing usage of __bases__ to dynamically change the inheritance hierarchy of some Python code, by …

python inheritance dynamic
Dynamic Object Serialization

I tried to serialize a DynamicObject class with BinaryFormatter, but: Output file is too big, not exactly wire-friendly Circular References …

c# serialization dynamic protobuf-net
Why does appending a <script> to a dynamically created <iframe> seem to run the script in the parent page?

I'm attempting to create an <iframe> using JavaScript, then append a <script> element to that <…

javascript jquery dynamic iframe parent