Top "Dynamic-programming" questions

Dynamic programming is an algorithmic technique for efficiently solving problems with a recursive structure containing many overlapping subproblems.

Finding minimal absolute sum of a subarray

There's an array A containing (positive and negative) integers. Find a (contiguous) subarray whose elements' absolute sum is minimal, e.…

algorithm sum dynamic-programming absolute-value kadanes-algorithm
What is the "cut-and-paste" proof technique?

I've seen references to cut-and-paste proofs in certain texts on algorithms analysis and design. It is often mentioned within the …

algorithm math dynamic-programming
Parenthesizing a string so that expression takes a given value

The following problem is from the chapter on Dynamic Programming by Vazirani et. al. [6.6]Let us define a multiplication operation(×) …

algorithm dynamic-programming parentheses boolean-expression
How are Dynamic Programming algorithms implemented in idiomatic Haskell?

Haskell and other functional programming languages are built around the premise of not maintaining state. I'm still new to how …

haskell functional-programming dynamic-programming
Edit distance recursive algorithm -- Skiena

I'm reading The Algorithm Design Manual by Steven Skiena, and I'm on the dynamic programming chapter. He has some example …

c++ c algorithm dynamic-programming
Dynamic Programming Coin Change Limited Coins

Dynamic Programming Change Problem (Limited Coins). I'm trying to create a program that takes as INPUT: int coinValues[]; //e.g […

algorithm dynamic-programming coin-change
Knapsack with continuous (non distinct) constraint

I watched Dynamic Programming - Kapsack Problem (YouTube). However, I am solving a slightly different problem where the constraint is …

algorithm dynamic-programming knapsack-problem
global sequence alignment dynamic programming finding the minimum in a matrix

I have 2 sequences, AACAGTTACC and TAAGGTCA, and I'm trying to find a global sequence alignment. I managed to create a 2…

java arrays matrix dynamic-programming sequence-alignment
Explain this dynamic programming climbing n-stair code

Problem is "You are climbing a stair case. Each time you can either make 1 step or 2 steps. The staircase has …

algorithm dynamic-programming
How do I replace a method implementation at runtime?

I'd like to have property getters and methods that I can decorate with my own custom attribute and based on …

c# .net aop dynamic-programming dynamic-proxy