The "duplicates" tag concerns detecting and/or dealing with multiple instances of items in collections.
I have an array like this: $arr = array(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3); I found the function array_count_values(), but it will group all …
php arrays duplicates grouping countingThere is a similar question for PHP, but I'm working with R and am unable to translate the solution to …
r duplicates unique r-faqI have 2 different versions of the same project on my machine. One from the code trunk, and the other from …
.net certificate duplicates sn.exe strong-named-keySome beta-users of my upcoming app are reporting that the list of contacts contain a lot of duplicate records. I'm …
objective-c cocoa-touch duplicates abaddressbook abrecordI'm developing a Rails 3 app that uses Postgres as its database. I've got the table shown below: Table "public.test" …
sql ruby-on-rails postgresql duplicates sql-insertThere is a table called contacts with columns id, name, address, ph_no etc. I need to find out rows …
oracle plsql duplicates rowsHow can I duplicate a Wordpress plugin so that there are two of the same plugins running with its respective …
wordpress plugins copy duplicates mirrorI want to create a 7zip file containing files with the same names but in different folders using 7zip's @listfile …
directory compression duplicates 7zipI find many ways to do this, AWK, SED, UNIQ, but none of them are working on my file. I …
sed awk duplicates lines uniqWhile duplicated row (and column) names are allowed in a matrix, they are not allowed in a data.frame. Trying …
r duplicates dataframe duplicate-removal rbind