I want to create a 7zip file containing files with the same names but in different folders using 7zip's @listfile feature. Although I have used 7zip CLI for a long time, I just cannot find the syntax to accomplish this.
My file tree looks like this (note that somefile1.html and somefile2.html occur twice each).
| somefile2.html
| somefile1.html
| somefile2.html
| somefile3.html
| somefile4.html
Using a @listfile works fine, but I cannot figure out how to retain the directory tree in the resulting 7zip while doing that.
I have tried to the following syntax:
7z a [email protected] my_compressed_file.7z
Then, given the explanations in 7zip's Windows CHM help file under syntax, I tried including the root folder, too (called 'files'):
7z a [email protected] my_compressed_file.7z .\files
I get the same error in both cases:
Duplicate filename:
Has anyone figured this one out and would care to shed some light on it?
I know how to compress files with the same names in different folders otherwise (when the folder structure is retained in the 7zip it s no problem). But this time the few files I need are spread all over the place...
I ran into the same error (Duplicate filename) while using a list file. My list file looked like this:
I resolved the problem by launching 7-zip from D:\ and editing my list file to use relative rather than absolute paths:
The resulting archive preserved the original directory structure and looked exactly as I expected.
Note: I was using 7-Zip 4.65, and this solution will not work if the files are on different drives or have a different root.
The PowerShell command line I ran was:
& 'C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe' a -scsWIN logs.7z `@recentlogs.txt