Top "Drupal-7" questions

Drupal 7 is the Drupal version that was officially released on January 5, 2011.

Displaying a drupal page without the template around it in Drupal 7

I'd like to render the contents of a "basic page" in drupal. Something like this question: displaying a Drupal view …

php drupal drupal-7 drupal-theming drupal-themes
Add custom fields to shopping cart display - Ubercart 3

I have Drupal 7 and UC 3 running with custom fields. I want to be able to display those fields in the …

drupal-7 ubercart
Drupal 7 - Populate Drop Down select from DB in Form API

I am still new to PHP, and even newer to Drupal's Form API. I'm simply trying to populate a drop …

drupal-7 form-api
Drupal 7 Views - list group by field

I have a View that list content of type Bio (the biographies of people). However, I would like to format …

drupal drupal-7 drupal-views