Top "Drupal-themes" questions

This tag is for questions about themes hosted on Drupal.

How do I output a drupal image field?

It is quite possible that I'm just looking for help finding the name of a function that already exists within …

drupal drupal-7 drupal-theming drupal-themes
Drupal 7: Modifying menu HTML output?

I am trying to modify the HTML output in a Drupal 7 theme that I am creating. Basically, instead of the &…

drupal-7 drupal-themes
custom page.tpl.php for a drupal view

How can I create a custom page.tpl.php for a specific view? I'm not talking about styling the view …

drupal drupal-6 views drupal-views drupal-themes
Can't get the search box to show up in custom theme

I'm trying to make a custom theme for a drupal blog, and I want the search box to appear in …

drupal content-management-system themes drupal-theming drupal-themes
How Does Drupal 7 Render Out a Page?

How does Drupal 7 render out a page? What's its equivalent to an MVC's view system. When it comes to the …

php drupal drupal-themes
Drupal. Use AJAX to update view's content

I've created a view in Drupal that retrieves a list of nodes. The display of this view is a page …

php javascript ajax drupal drupal-themes
How to modify the drupal search templates?

I'm attempting to create my own templates for the search pages using drupal 6. When creating these template pages i usually …

drupal drupal-6 drupal-themes drupal-templates
How do I create a page template?

So, I must be missing something. I want to create a specific template for a Basic Page with Drupal 7. I've …

drupal-7 drupal-themes
How to make a Drupal 7 module use up a .tpl.php template in the theme folder

I have created a module for Drupal 7 which has a hook_theme function that tells it to use usertemp.tpl.…

drupal drupal-modules drupal-7 drupal-themes
Styling menu block's menu links in Drupal 7

I'm trying to style a block in Drupal 7 and I'm having a very hard time figuring things out! I've used …

templates drupal hook drupal-themes