Top "Drawable" questions

A Drawable is a graphics-related term which generally means "something to be drawn.

Android Development: Unable to create an icon @drawable/ic_action_search

I am new to Android Development. I was just following the basic turorial on to create my …

android drawable
Android TextView drawable, change padding between drawable and text?

I am creating a TextView with a drawable underneath, in a GridLayout. I want to bring the drawable to the …

android textview drawable padding
Programmatically change button background drawable onClick

I am trying to toggle my button's background drawables, so that when the user clicks the button its background is …

android button background toggle drawable
Half circle shape not work

I try to create half circle background, in development IDE preview it works, but when I launch in emulator it …

android drawable shape
How can I write a Drawable resource to a File?

I need to export some Drawable resources to a file. For example, I have a function that returns to me …

android export drawable
Android, Drawable.createFromStream(is, srcname): what's the 2nd parameter meaning?

Which is the meaning of the second parameter of Drawable.createFromStream() method? From Android APIs I only get: public static …

android drawable
what does android getIntrinsicHeight and getIntrinsicWidth mean?

Hi I am confused by the two methods from Android Drawable class getIntrinsicHeight() getIntrinsicWidth() api definition says…

android drawable
Constrain drawableLeft and drawableRight's height to TextView's height

I have the following TextView: <TextView android:drawableLeft="@drawable/loading" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_…

android textview drawable
How to rotate a drawable by ObjectAnimator?

Alphaing a drawable work well like this: if(mAlphaAnimation == null){ mAlphaAnimation = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "alpha", 0.0f,1.0f).setDuration(TARGET_ANIM_…

android rotation drawable objectanimator
Combine image and text to drawable

I want to create a drawable, which consists of a map pin(bubble) and some text. The bubble should be …

android android-mapview drawable