Top "Objectanimator" questions

Android class which animates an object based on a specified property of the object.

Android properties that can be animated with ObjectAnimator

I am starting to play around with Property Animations over view animations as I have a view that needs to …

android animation android-animation objectanimator
Android property animation: how to increase view height?

How to increase the view height using Property Animations in Android? ObjectAnimator a = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(viewToIncreaseHeight, "translationY", -100); a.setInterpolator(…

java android android-animation objectanimator viewpropertyanimator
Determining translationX/Y values for ObjectAnimator; how to move a view to an exact screen position?

I'm trying to move a view to the upper right corner of the screen, using ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(...) But, I'm not …

android android-layout objectanimator
How to rotate a drawable by ObjectAnimator?

Alphaing a drawable work well like this: if(mAlphaAnimation == null){ mAlphaAnimation = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, "alpha", 0.0f,1.0f).setDuration(TARGET_ANIM_…

android rotation drawable objectanimator
Fragment : Unknown animation name objectanimator

I'm trying to do a flipping card animation between two fragment like in --> Displaying Card Flip Animations by …

android animation android-fragments objectanimator
How to give percentage values in ObjectAnimator in Android

I am using objectAnimator for animating a button from bottom to top in Android. Now i am using the below …

android android-animation objectanimator
Change multiple properties with single ObjectAnimator?

I have a pretty complex animation I need to code and I'm using a bunch of ObjectAnimators like the following: …

android android-animation objectanimator
Stop AnimatorSet of ObjectAnimators in Android

Im trying to stop the animation of an ImageView when a button is clicked. The animation I am using is …

android animation reset objectanimator
Check if AnimatorSet has finished animation?

I'm trying to animate buttons with fade in animation using AnimatorSet Button fades in > Click button > Remaining buttons …

android animation objectanimator
Android ObjectAnimator animate translationY same proportion on all screen sizes

I am using ObjectAnimator to slide up a background image to reveal a listView below. The listView has a weight …

android android-layout android-animation objectanimator