Top "Drawable" questions

A Drawable is a graphics-related term which generally means "something to be drawn.

XML shape drawable not rendering desired color

I defined a drawable <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android="…

android drawable
Android get image path from drawable as string

Is there any way that I can get the image path from drawable folder in android as String. I need …

android drawable
Get the URI of an image stored in drawable

I am adding a couple of sample items in my application so it doesn't look so empty when the user …

android url drawable
How to get round shape in Android

How would I achieve a round shape in Android, like below, through an Android shape drawable:

android drawable shape
What's the correct size icon for drawable-xxhdpi?

As we know, the correct sized icon: * drawable-ldpi (120 dpi, Low density screen) - 36px x 36px * drawable-mdpi (160 dpi, Medium density …

android drawable dpi android-icons
Is it possible to rotate a drawable in the xml description?

I am creating an app, with resources that can be reused (because buttons are always the same, but mirrored or …

android android-layout drawable android-xml
How to convert a Drawable image from resources to a Bitmap

I were trying to attach images from Drawable to an email (from my app to Gmail app) I have tried …

android image email bitmap drawable
Resize Drawable in Android

I am setting a drawable for a progress dialog (pbarDialog) but my issue is I want to resize the drawable …

android image bitmap resize drawable
Applying ColorFilter to ImageView with ShapedDrawable

I have an ImageView with android:src set to a ShapedDrawable, namely a white circle. What I want is to …

android drawable android-imageview colorfilter shapedrawable
how to get images dynamically from drawable folder

I have an array like this. int image[] = {R.drawable.d002_p001,R.drawable.d002_p002,R.drawable.d002_p003, …

android drawable android-resources