Top "Dozer" questions

Dozer is a Java Bean to Java Bean mapper that recursively copies data from one object to another.

Dozer, how to map from java.util.Map to complex type?

I'd like to map from a java.util.Map to a complex type, let's call it Abc. <mapping> &…

getter dozer complextype map
Always map null object to null

I'm looking for a way to map every object that is null to null instead of "org.dozer.MappingException: Source …

With dozer is it possible to map several fields to one field?

We have some legacy data we are attempting to map... The legacy data has fields for month day year... Is …

java dozer
Dozer: Mapping of class with no default constructor

Lets say I want to map the following two classes: public class A { String member; public void setMember(String member) { …

java dozer
Excluding fields in Dozer mapping

Is there a way to exclude multiple fields in Dozer, when source and target classes are the same? I am …

mapping dozer xml-configuration
DTO mapping and updating to a Database with Java, Dozer and Hibernate

I'm using Dozer to map Hibernate entities to their DTOs. A simplified example class is the following: @Entity public class …

java hibernate dto dozer
Non-trivial Dozer mappings

I'm struggling to get Dozer to bend to my will for something that I feel should be quite simple. I …

java javabeans dozer